As shown in figures before, the shift engineer will begin to analyze the temperature rise observed during t1 and t2. If sees that there is a problem, OOW should know that there is a limited time (Δt) between t3 and t2 to solve this problem. A well-designed Engine Room Simulator should have design, software and usage features, as represented with figures below, that OOW can identify and analyze problems in a short time. Let's assume that the temperature graph shown in figures below  belongs to the main engine exhaust gas. Based on knowledge and experience on exhaust temperature rise, OOW need to examine also other parameters relevant to understand the problem source. A well-designed Engine Room Simulator must provide various facilities to assist the Shift Engineers in their analysis.


A typical ships Main engine combustion data


Cylinder pressure and deviations data


Main engine combustion data for the shift engineers to make analysis


Last modified: Wednesday, 3 May 2023, 1:09 PM