Command and control algorithm
A typical command and control algorithm
Here, “A” is the command voltage which is 24 VDC, “B” is “ON-OFF” switch to send command signal to the solenoid of the contactor in the control panel. “C” is the command signal data line, “D” is the motor starter panel, “E” is the line voltage, “F” is the solenoid actuator, “G” is the contactor, “H” is the electric motor to drive the pump, “İ” is the sensor measuring pump shaft rpm, “J” is the fluid input to the pump, “K” is the 2-40 mA data signal from sensor to the controller, “L” is the controller and “M and N” are the digital and analog monitors (indicators). Algorithm designer may add more sensors for safety and operational requirements. It can be easily seen in figure above that; all process consists of inevitable and irreversible chain events that happen in sequence depending to the algorithm predetermined. This phenomen is the basics of automatic control applied to the machine and system operations.