Completion requirements
Ships are equipped
with a wide variety of systems and machinery to perform all kinds of
operations. In order for the ship to achieve its purpose, these systems and
machines must be operated economically, continuously, efficiently, safely,
securely and environmentally. In order to fulfill these processes, laws,
regulations, standards and instructions related to all systems and machines,
administrative, financial, legal and technical issues must be followed.
Operation of ship systems and machinery: consists of stages such as
procurement, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and protection. Ship
systems and machinery are directly or indirectly related to each other. A
problem that occurs in one affects the others more or less. For this reason,
the operation of ship systems and machinery is of vital importance. Ship
systems and machinery are procured and installed during the construction phase.
Their operation includes: preparation, commissioning, commissioning, control,
maintenance and repair activities. Although every system and machine is
important in ships, in order of priority, electrical, main propulsion power and
steering systems and all related subsystems have the priority due to they move
the ship. Therefore, Engine Room Simulator is one of the best training facilities
for the sailors to learn what the energy saving, energy recovery, air,
environment and sea water pollution control, lengthening the engine and system
life and efficient operations. Independent or integrated systems connected to
the automation system in commercial ships, a few examples of which are given
below, should be operated by Marine Engineers in an economical, continuous,
efficient, safe, secure and environmentally friendly manner. This is in the
form of observing shift personnel, machinery and systems, analyzing and
interpreting data, deciding and applying the actions to be taken by the Marine
Engineer in charge of an Engine Room Watch. Marine Engineers should have the
necessary knowledge and experience, and should know the principles of Engine
Room Resources Management, especially during the shift. A well-designed
automation system will be very beneficial to the Engineer in charge of the
Engine Room Watch in carrying out these duties and principles in accordance
with the basics stated above. For this reason, today, Marine Engineers need to
use the automation system effectively for increasing the performance of
machinery and systems. There are many National and International laws and
regulations, company and ship instructions regarding the system and machinery
operations of ships, including life and ship safety, sea water and air
pollution, energy recovery and saving and waste disposal and teaching and
learning activities for these issues. Kyoto and Paris Agreements, STCW, SOLAS,
MARPOL Codes and Regulations, IMO7.01, 7.02, 7.03 and 7.04 Syllabuses are some
of them.
Last modified: Wednesday, 3 May 2023, 12:30 PM