Fields of vision
This section states that it should be possible to observe all objects necessary for navigation, including other traffic and navigation marks, in any direction from inside the bridge. In this respect there is to be a field of view around the vessel of 360° obtained by an observer moving within the confines of the bridge.
The view of the sea surface from the conning position and the navigation workstation is not to be obscured by more than two ship lengths, or 500 m, whichever is less, forward of the bow to 10° on either side, irrespective of the ship's draught, trim and deck cargo. According to the rule, the obstructed distance may not exceed 500m or 2 ship length’s, whichever is less. As M/S MERSol’s length over all (LOA) is 62,4m, that leaves us with a limit of 124,8m. As can be seen from figure xx, the obstructed view is well within acceptable limits.
View of sea
surface from conning position and navigation workstation, MS MERSol.
Blind sectors caused by cargo, cargo gear and other obstructions outside the bridge forward of the beam obstructing the view of the sea surface as seen from the conning position and the navigation workstation are not to exceed 10° each. The total arc of blind sectors is not to exceed 20° and the clear sector between blind sectors shall be at least 5°. However, in the view described in the preceding paragraph, each individual blind sector is not to exceed 5°.
The horizontal field of vision from the conning position and the navigation workstation is to extend over an arc from more than 22,5° abaft the beam on one side, through forward, to more than 22,5° abaft the beam on the other side. From the main steering position, the field of vision is to extend over an arc from dead ahead to at least 60° on each side. From each bridge wing, the field of vision is to extend over an arc from at least 45° on the opposite bow through dead ahead and then aft to 180° from dead ahead.
There is to be a line of sight from the port wing to the starboard wing through the wheelhouse. The ship's side is to be visible from the bridge wing. The height of consoles is not to interfere with the fields of vision defined above and is not to exceed 1350 mm. From workstations for functions other than navigation, the field of vision is to enable an effective lookout to be maintained and, in this respect, is to extend at least over an arc from 90° on the port bow, through forward, to 22,5° abaft the beam on the starboard side.
view, M/S MERSol