Preparation and operation of the foam extinguishing system
Completion requirements
- The temperature in the foam extinguishing station must be maintained between 5 ° and 30 ° C.
- There must be one portable fire extinguisher in the station premises.
- The foam must be stored in special metal containers at the foam extinguishing station.
- It must be remembered that a small amount (less than 1%) of oil products entering the foam can destroy its properties.
- The quality of the foam, storage and use of these materials must comply with the requirements of the instructions and the instructions in the certificates.
- Air foam pipes (generators) must be near taps where a mixture of water and foam can be prepared.
- A diagram of the foam extinguishing system with the specified starting devices and protected rooms must be posted in a visible place in the station room.
Last modified: Friday, 27 January 2023, 5:05 PM