Inbets+ Train the Trainer
Topic outline
Links to recorded presentations and presentation materials
Additional material
Links etc.
It is worth bearing in mind, that the origin of the additional material (Videos, web pages, books etc) may be in macrocultural area, in which the cultural properties like human values, legislation or attitudes to work, entrepreneurship etc. may differ from ours. We, as teachers and facilitators of the course do not sign nor promote any opinions presented in these materials. The opinions manifested in materials are opinions of authors, actors and actresses, directors and other contributors of material, and the responsibility for these rests with them. -
"A Smart Guide on promoting and supporting the transfer of businesses with the help of EU structural funds"
Source: European Union, 2012
10 years old, but introduced some usable ideas like mentoring the business transfer.
"The Successionwiki combines two things: on the one hand it is a platform for general information about succession/business transfer and addressed to everyone who is interested in this topic. On the other hand it is a platform for exchanging information, storing documents and for an interactive real time communication within the STOB regions project."
Source: Successionwiki, 2021
Finnish financial corporation OP-Pohjola advices its customers in generational transfer.
Veronica Baxter writes about the vulnerability of the family business.
Link may require a connection from the university or library network.