• Link to Padlet of the team work, Group 1

    • Link to Padlet of the team work, Group 2

    • To be able to write and send certificate of participation, we need your name, address, organization you are coming from, and your country.

      Please fill in the details to the form in the link

      The data will be used in no other purposes, and a file will be destroyed after the training.

      Thank you in advance

    • To be able to develop the trainings and courses, we are collecting the experiences and opinions of participants. We hope that you had a couple of minute time to answer few questions concerning the facilitations and contents of the training. Every answer is valuable and important for improving the quality of trainings.

      All the answers will be processed confidentially. No name nor other information concerning the identity of respondent and / or company will be required or saved.

      Thank you in advance for your answer

    • Information about changes etc.